OpenCart v1.4.9 RC3 Available for Public Testing!
Postby Qphoria ? Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:10 pm
Sorry, but I'm releasing v1.4.9-RC3 with some quick changes for postcode. I had not planned on having an RC3 but I wanted to get this change out there to resolve the postcode issue once and for all.
1.4.9 Final is still planned for Friday. I just wanted to slip this in here with the 2 quick changes.
Changes from RC2 to RC3:
- Added Postcode required field to the country table. Now you can edit the country to set the "Postcode Required" flag. The address forms will check this flag to determine if the postcode is required now on a per-country basis. This will satisfy everyone
- Fixed a bug in the new paypal regarding tax calculation on shipping and other non-product totals
Changes from 1.4.8b to 1.4.9:
- Fixed additional email for loop issue causing "Please Wait" and "Error Send To Required"
- Improved featured products query to make all status checks and return all pertinent data to match latest and bestseller queries.
- If no shipping, tax zone set to buyer's payment zone instead of default store zone
- Session uses full path for session to prevent session sharing
- Removed unneeded products variable from admin order.php
- Removed error on empty language file
- admin/controller/catalog/review.php double text validation cleaned up
- Admin Order Edit now supports product options & updated totals
- Feature Module uses category-style selector for products
- Extension install/uninstall hook. Now when you install/uninstall extensions, if they have their own install/uninstall functions, they will be triggered.
- Logout destroys session completely.
- sort by model
- Cache for featured products
- Cache for categories
- Image class supports proper extension name on resize and transparency for png and gif.
- Extensions will "self-clean" if the files are deleted without uninstalling the extension first.
- Restored "Show Out Of Stock warning" option in setting
- Parent Category pages show image next to description
- Select All / Unselect All to all checkbox lists
- Postcode required option added to countries. Now postcode can be required on a per-country basis.
- Coupon code can be entered on Payment AND Confirm page, for those payments that skip the payment page
- New Paypal Improved. Itemized products, PDT support, debug messaging and more.
- Added Northern Ireland zones to UK
- FilesMatch check in htaccess to prevent viewing of tpl and ini files
Let me know if there are any issue in either this thread or the "[RC3 ONLY] Post any OpenCart 1.4.9 RC3 Bugs here!" thread