OpenCart v1.4.9.3 - December 19, 2010

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OpenCart v1.4.9.3 - December 19, 2010

Postprzez gadas » 20 gru 2010, o 12:14

OpenCart v1.4.9.3 - December 19, 2010
Do pobrania : ... d/download


== OpenCart v1.4.9.3 ==

- BUG: Notice: Undefined index: postcode_required if country set to please select
- BUG: customer checks out and wants to change either the Shipping or Payment address, a "The page you requested cannot be found" error appears
- BUG: Homepage modules cannot use document library class methods because the "header" module was loading before the homepage modules.
- BUG: Disabling Bestseller items causes the limit to be (limit-1)
- BUG: setting controller had copy/paste bug for icon/logo check
- BUG: php.ini setting "max_upload_filesize" should be "upload_max_filesize" which explains why it didn't work
- BUG: Paypal standard sandbox mode shows "text_testmode" instead of the correct testmode message
- BUG: Postcode callback for address page was wrong
- BUG: When reviews disabled, sort by still shows reviews in list
- BUG: undefined index: default on customer edit screen for multiple addresses
- BUG: mail subject and sender were not decoding html for ", &, ', ?, etc causing mail not to send

- Additional attempts to get rid of the cache unlink error messages
- Paypal passing of state and phone for credit card address
- Copied products are disabled by default and marked with [*]
- Product Price Column on Product List page including special price
- Google Base Feed support for currency (USD, EUR, GBP)
- Removed "self" from related products and category parents
- Improved document class loading in header.php
- Enhanced currency library functions
- Added Trim to address details to avoid spaces
- Added UCWords to address details to auto capitalize
- Alternating color rows for admin lists
- Added x_invoice_num to
- Added slight improvement to category caching for empty categories
- Added support for discounts greater than product total for paypal standard
- Added Hawkey's improved version of Admin Order Edit. This version comes with the following improvements and limitations:
---- It will allow you to add or delete products and it will update the Subtotal, TAX and Total.
---- It will also recognize if a product is a Special even-tough it will not show the special price in the list
---- It will recognize Quality discount with date, customer group, and quantity.
---- It will NOT let you change the payment nor the shipment method.
---- It will NOT let you change the Shipping costs.
---- Be aware that if you change the sort order of the "Extension->Order Total" area, it will not map correctly to the values in previously edited orders.
Posty: 240
Dołączył(a): 13 maja 2010, o 17:03

Re: OpenCart v1.4.9.3 - December 19, 2010

Postprzez franek » 21 sty 2011, o 19:49

Drobne poprawki funkcjonalność na europejski rynek praktycznie zerowa
Opcje dostaw prawie do pupy .
VAT błędy ? chyba
Opcje płatności podstawowe ja bym powiedział słabe .
anglosaskie ceny 1.000,00 ? = 1 zł według księgowości

Może przy 2.0 ktoś przemyśli to co robi :)
To co oferuje to prosty system sprzedaży
i na pierwszy rzut oka szybkość ale to co napisałem na jego temat raczej jest bardzo problematyczne

Z tego co widzę bez dobrze opisanego .htaccess to i bardziej niż problematyczne pliki nie są zabezpieczone na serwerze .
więc radzę go używać i zabezpieczyć ale pewnie już o tym wiecie lub nie :)

a ja poproszę o pomoc w temacie viewtopic.php?f=8&t=403
Posty: 6
Dołączył(a): 21 sty 2011, o 18:27

Re: OpenCart v1.4.9.3 - December 19, 2010

Postprzez potas » 29 sty 2011, o 14:19

Tłumaczenie do pobrania na forum:
Posty: 192
Dołączył(a): 30 paź 2009, o 14:31

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